Lumine Wiki

""Don't give up! Don't let them beat you! You're stronger than them! Beat them up, Lumine!"

——Kody in Episode 28

Kody is the deuteragonist of LUMINE. He is a witch boy, although he has a complicated relationship with magic.


Kody has tan-brown skin, dark hair, and a mole under his left eye. His bright green eyes, a characteristic of all witches, and he is shorter than average height. According to a fandom user, the author mentioned on the Lumine Discord server that Kody’s height is 150cm. After Bill took over his body, his teeth started to appear sharper.

He usually wears casual clothes, including hoodies and jeans, and almost always wears muted or dark colors.


Despite the abuse Kody suffered from his mother in his childhood when his parents separated, after he ended up in his father's care, Kody was a joyful and happy child. In different flashbacks it was shown that he liked to meet or learn new things and make friends at school, in addition to being very close to people close to him, such as his father, his childhood friend and his pet. However, due to his illness that prevents him from learning magic like the other witches in his school, Kody became cold as he began to receive bullying and teasing from different classmates. He was very ashamed of being different from others and felt inferior to his friends due to his condition. Kody grew more and more distant from the people he was once close with and rarely smiled, much to the concern of his father, his pet, and the Defense Squad who took care of him. Kody's personality only grew colder over the years due to a great deal of guilt from accidentally hurting others with his actions; such as breaking his friendship with his former friends and accidentally causing the death of his pet and closest friend, Bill.

At first, Kody is shown to be cold-hearted. But as shown later in Season 1, he has a soft side and can be kind. He begins to warm up to some of his peers given enough time, one of them being Lumine. He is not very good at communicating his feelings, often hiding them instead of telling others, and is shown to have trust issues.


As shown in episodes 35-37, Kody and Calla used to be close friends and he showed his emotions more often. But once Aiden told Kody about his condition of not being able to use magic, he became cold towards others, including Calla. Calla began to spread rumors about him, which slowly led to bullying.

Soon, Elijah befriended Kody, despite his reputation with all the other kids at school. Calla started pressuring Elijah into leaving Kody, leading them to stop being friends. When Kody was harassed by a group of bullies, Bill stepped in to help, but when Kody mocked him, the bully ended up killing Bill, leaving Kody to blame himself.

A while after Kody and Lumine arrive in Terranavo, they meet Camille, who offers to remove Bill's spirit. Kody objects and both of them try to escape, but Kody faints again after casting a spell. Camille takes them to her house, where they stay the night. The next day, when Camille leaves, Bill possesses his body and runs out of the house, where Lumine chases after him. As Bill corrupts Kody's body more, he tries to kill Lumine, blaming him for all the events that happened ever since he showed up. Just when Bill is about to kill Lumine, Kody steps in, and questions why he is attacking his friend. When Bill says it was all Lumine's fault that everyone they loved was killed and that they ended up in Terranavo, Kody insists that it isn't anyone's fault. Kody explains that spirits absorb negative emotion, making them more powerful, and also making them feel the emotions. He explains that he always blamed himself for Bill's death, and blames others, too, making Bill blame Lumine. Knowing that Bill stayed not only because he wanted to protect himself, but was worried about him, Kody reassures Bill that no matter what he runs into in the future, he will be okay by himself. Knowing he doesn't have to worry about Kody anymore, Bill fades away.

Kody wakes up a couple days later in Camille's house, wondering where Lumine is. As Lumine is almost defeated while competing in the weredog fights, Kody saves him by turning his arms into claws. As he chastises Lumine for competing against his wishes, Lumine questions what happened to his arms. Kody, having just realized this, passes out. Lumine brings him back to Camille, who helps heal him. Kody then continues to berate Lumine for competing when he specifically told him not to. Lumine relents, saying it was the only way he knew how to make enough money. Kody acknowledges he was too harsh on Lumine, but still disapproves of him competing.


Kody found Lumine in the open behind a building and asked him for directions to the train station. However, they got lost and were accosted by a gang of robbers. Kody infuriated one of them, inciting them into attacking.[2] Fortunately, they were saved by Aiden, Kody's father.

Powers and Abilities[]

Magic: As a witch, Kody was born with the gift of using magic and casting different spells; However, due to a hereditary illness he has, his resistance to his own magic is low compared to other witches and warlocks, causing him to cough up blood and gradually weaken.

  • Pyrokinesis: Kody creates phosphorescent green flames at will.
  • Spirit Vision: Like all other witches, Kody can see spirits. He can also touch them.[3]

Potion-Making: Kody knows how to make potions, but it is implied that he frequently makes them wrong.

Feline transformation: The longer he was possessed by Bill, Kody's body began to undergo some physical changes, acquiring feline characteristics ranging from paws like legs and arms, tail and ears. In episode 110, he unconsciously transformed his hands into cat's paws and in episode 119, in addition to getting his paws back, this time he also got a cat's tail and ear.



Best friend/Former Bodyguard

Kody met Lumine while he was on the street, later living together. At first, Kody was apprehensive towards Lumine. However, after Lumine saved his life, Kody has been seen to be warming up to Lumine, acting less cold and more welcoming to him.



Aiden is Kody's father. Despite Aiden's affection, Kody is quite cold towards him. But later in the story, it is shown that Kody really cares about him.


Cat/evil spirit

Kody is affectionate toward Bill and does not wish for him to leave him, even when Aiden tells him to get rid of him. We see that the cat Kody’s pet. After a while, it is said to believe that the cat will kill Kody. The spirit can limit Kody's magic and even control his body seen in an episode nearing the end of season one.



Sliver knows Kody well enough to know he is a troublemaker and has an ambition of opening a bakery. [4]



She views him as one who causes constant trouble and is never shown to interact with many conflicts.


Former friend/former bully

Kody used to be friends with her until they had a falling out. She bullied him a lot at school.


Former friend

Initially, Elijah was friends with Kody, although Kody never displayed much investment in this friendship, instead, he was treating him coldly like he did with everyone else. Eventually, their friendship broke off due to both Calla's influence and Elijah's frustration with how Kody has treated him. Their relationship has been seen to have slightly improved, but they are not necessarily friends.

White Haired Witch[]

Kody's biological mother. She ordered the golden werewolf to fetch Kody and get rid of the others around him. She seems to believe that Aiden is keeping her son away from her.


  • Kody's personality was swapped with Lumine's in the original version of the comic, according to the creator's twitter.
  • Kody has expressed a desire to become a bakery shop owner.
  • Kody likes strawberry ice cream.
  • Kody revealed to Lumine about his real name in episode 123.


See here


